In simple words a spare key is the replica of an original key. Nowadays, because of having a busy schedule, it’s quite common for an individual to forget little things. For instance, you forgot your house keys at your office and now you’ve reached your home keyless. If you have a spare key, then it would be easier for you to unlock your home or else you need to call your locksmith for further help.
In order to avoid these circumstances, it is a good option to always have your spare key. Now the next question would be that since you have a spare key then where can you hide these keys? Because there may be a chance of misuse of these spare keys especially by burglars.
Here are Five best Places to keep your spare key.
Keep a spare key with one of your family members
It is always best to give one of your spare keys to your family member. In case you are locked out of your home then, you can easily go and collect the spare key or you can call them to bring the spare key. So, in this way you can unlock your home with ease. This is one of the finest choices to keep your spare key.
With a trusted neighbor
If you know your neighbor very well and you think, he is trustworthy then probably you can share your spare key with him. If by chance, you lose your original keys then you can get it from your neighbor and can unlock your home so quickly. A trusted neighbor is one of the good options to keep your spare key.
In your vehicle
It is a great idea to place your spare key inside your vehicle. In case you are locked out then it is easy for you to retrieve your keys. But make sure that no one knows about this secret place.
Around your home
First, search for super-secret spots around your home. If you think hiding your spare key at that secret spot is safe and nobody is tracking on this then it’s always going to a go idea.
In a lockbox
Technology has always helped us in making our life easier. If you have a sufficient budget, then you can buy a lockbox and place your spare key in it. Since it has a locking system, it’s not easy to collect the spare key unless you enter the pin.
Connect with Keychain Locksmith to get more ideas as we are one of the best locksmith services. We have a well-trained faculty and promise to offer you 24/7 services including weekends and holidays. As soon as we get a call from the customer, we reach the customer immediately at their location within 20 minutes and help them to unlock their places efficiently.
In case you are locked out and you don’t have a spare key then it would be best to call us!